Saturday, March 13

pond ready to be set-up!

I woke up this morning, in a daze, to ALI Project's hairy-sounding tunes (Kinjirareta Asobi, I believe). Got up, went outside for my morning cigarette, and finding myself with no 27's left, I went for the Dunhill stash in my closet. BAM! "You stopped yesterday!" I put down the dunny and watched it sort of just burn up.. at least I got a lovely icon out of it with 00's camera-phone. Well shit, that's a great way to start off the morning.

In the kitchen, I navigated through the mess and found that we did indeed have one clean bowl. I have cereal. I have no milk. My solution is to knock on 00's door. He answers, realizing too late that it is I. Anyway, I forgot most of the details of the morning, but I finished digging the hole out in the back. Oh, they were right. It is soo satisfying to finally finish it on my own. Now, if I can somehow obtain funding for a rubber pond liner, I can begin the pond before the graduation party in May!

Sometime around noon, 3 woke up and declined to assist in either the pond digging or the garage cleaning. All is not lost however, as I was able to obtain a slice of pizza from his half-asleep grasp, and we got (mostly) everything done anyway. The garage should be cleaned out by tomorrow afternoon.

As for the matter of nicotine, I am aware that the drug itself may remain in my body for up to a week. The question, do I switch from the incompatibility-exercise track to graduated exposure and just get myself down to 1-2 cigs a day? That seems much more reasonable. If I had a weight-problem, I wouldn't quit eating.. I'll ignore the issue of deciding whether smoking itself is a problem- outside of monetary issues and the exercise thing, the cancer thing has never been all that convincing to me. People in Japan live to their 90's and drink and smoke like fiends.

If I had a camera I would have taken a photo, when 88 was getting ready for the War concert. The hair reminded me of a Stegosaurus. So little time. Well, it's time to do some dishes, and make more icons.

~Delicious stats for today

x 0

x 0