Monday, April 19

lol look I made a craigslist ad

m4w you assholes

====================================== I like being an ass - 23 (Phoenix)
Date: 2010-04-19, 7:34PM MST
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here
Haha, don't be silly. I don't have a punchline to go with the title, I just like being a goofball.

So, coming across one of craigslists hall-of-fame posts always motivates me to post something that resembles an attempt. Not a great attempt, but a shot anyway.

Like the egomaniac I am, I will try and circumvent the common questions before I can be bothered to try and answer real people.

You: You're 23- you should be out there like the rest of the young male population, taking your rejections like a man!
Me: Occasionally, when I actually leave campus and get off work early enough, I try. I prefer drinking with friends rather than strangers about 80% of the time.

You: You're insecure if you try and defend yourself on craigslist.
Me: Um, maybe. Or maybe I just do it to make the typing easier, seeing as how I'm talking to myself..

You: Are you 420 friendly?
Me: I have been a long time advocate to smokers, even though I'm allergic to the stuff.

You: Are you fat/ugly/poor/have issues/etc?
Me: These questions are personal, and could get you murdered. If I was psychotic, and such.

You: What do you like to do?
Me: I love to be lazy. I love to clean.. garden, hike and exercise! I cook. I drink ocassionally (only responsibly, such as during work, or morning, afternoon, evening, swimming, etc..). I smoke cigarettes (stinky!)- yes, I've quit twice: once for 2 years while I was just starting college, and once again for two weeks a few weeks ago- to prove a point. I watch lame movies. I may try and scrub the floor at 4am in the morning, if time permits.

You: Where are you going?
Me: Lord I hate such vague questions. Well, grad school is going to be put off for about 3 years. My chosen career path can be described by optimists as working to help people who hate society (such crazy people- society is wonderful!) and skeptics as being a paid-douche. Hey, these loans aren't going to pay themselves.

You: YOU. Description.
Me: Demanding all manner of explanations now, are we? Well, I am an psychology undergrad at ASU (for like, 3 more weeks, lol), of asian-descent, well-mannered (if the situation warrants it), asinine (all other situations), just running the mouse wheel for the pellet that we all strive for. Oh did I mention I can be VAGUE. Har har.

You: Well how-
Me: Enough! I've had enough of your bs, you.. you person-who-talks-to-yourself!

Shoot, looks as if we're outttaa time. Email me now, won't ya? ;)

Oh yeah, and all that usual jazz about the photos and such. Include one and you'll get one from me. I'd post one, but there's already enough embarrassing evidence of my existence on the internet.

But you left this feeling
Hereeeee insiiiiide me
One that never faiiiiiils to fiiiiiind me...

* Location: Phoenix
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Monday, April 5

Rapid fire listings (PART 2), go!

man, busy 2 weeks!

to catch up, and get myself back into the routine of blogging, I've to do the rapidfirelistings again..

In no particular order..

  • questionablecontent is seriously a good webcomic. I just finished reading the archives yesterday, and it is now my favorite slice-of-life comic.
  • Rachel Ray! Ohhh delicious Rachel Ray. I picked up my March and April editions of Everyday! in quick succession. Gonna hit up one or two of those vegetarian recipes sometime this month.
  • Last week, I made deep-fried tofu and some bean sprout soup. While the soup turned out ok (as sort of a palate cleanser for the tofu), the deep-frying caused a huge amount of smoke in the house- I forgot that oil begins to smoke at around 400 degrees.. no more just turning it to HIGH (3 came out of his room coughing his lungs out)! The ones that actually got fried were incredibly salty. Must. Be. Careful. With. Salt.
  • Camelback mountain! We (00/88/I 2 saturdays ago, 00/I/Asians last saturday) got our butts kicked by that thing. The first time we made it to the top, the second time, pasta beforehand, along with running to the mountain from where we parked, rendered us incapable of going further than the top of the guardrailed-area. The asians made it, however.
  • I got new sandals, courtesy of 88. The old ones snapped while visiting 00/88's home in Duckpie. I was so excited after getting them (velcro-strap tommy hilfigers) that I ran out into the kitchen to show every (in my best durrr voice) and promptly slid and hit the floor hard enough to make me remember The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
  • I hate being poor! If I'm frugal for this month, I can survive with food and gasoline and probably not die. But I'm not frugal; Mr. Pond needs liner and plants and fishies.
  • The first time at camelback Mt (2 saturdays ago), I had lunch with 00/88. It was a pleasant experience, except for someone trying to sneak a peak at me while I was in the bathroom. I forget the place's name, but it had pizza of several varieties.
  • I has pseudo-surround sound. Donated speakers from 88 and some wiring-help from 3.
  • I WANT WATER HYACINTHS. Well, not really. They'd look nice in the pond, but I didn't really think they were that awesome until I realized they were banned from Arizona.
  • My resume. I am sort of working on getting it done by this week, references before the end of the month. No, the blog can't be on my resume :(
  • Indie music. Lots of it. QC sort of gave me a push in that direction, easing me gently into the genre (not quite the culture, yet) with an album by The Flaming Lips- The Soft Bulletin. A bit quirky and one of the only albums I've listened to as-of-now that made me want to dance and had songs about mad scientists..
Delicious stats (since last post lol):
Packs of 27s Smoked: 4
Camelbacks climbed: 1.3
Exams that went well: 2
Exams that went horribly: 1
Phone dropped: 5
QCs read: over 900