Monday, April 19
lol look I made a craigslist ad
====================================== I like being an ass - 23 (Phoenix)
Date: 2010-04-19, 7:34PM MST
Reply to: your anonymous craigslist address will appear here
Haha, don't be silly. I don't have a punchline to go with the title, I just like being a goofball.
So, coming across one of craigslists hall-of-fame posts always motivates me to post something that resembles an attempt. Not a great attempt, but a shot anyway.
Like the egomaniac I am, I will try and circumvent the common questions before I can be bothered to try and answer real people.
You: You're 23- you should be out there like the rest of the young male population, taking your rejections like a man!
Me: Occasionally, when I actually leave campus and get off work early enough, I try. I prefer drinking with friends rather than strangers about 80% of the time.
You: You're insecure if you try and defend yourself on craigslist.
Me: Um, maybe. Or maybe I just do it to make the typing easier, seeing as how I'm talking to myself..
You: Are you 420 friendly?
Me: I have been a long time advocate to smokers, even though I'm allergic to the stuff.
You: Are you fat/ugly/poor/have issues/etc?
Me: These questions are personal, and could get you murdered. If I was psychotic, and such.
You: What do you like to do?
Me: I love to be lazy. I love to clean.. garden, hike and exercise! I cook. I drink ocassionally (only responsibly, such as during work, or morning, afternoon, evening, swimming, etc..). I smoke cigarettes (stinky!)- yes, I've quit twice: once for 2 years while I was just starting college, and once again for two weeks a few weeks ago- to prove a point. I watch lame movies. I may try and scrub the floor at 4am in the morning, if time permits.
You: Where are you going?
Me: Lord I hate such vague questions. Well, grad school is going to be put off for about 3 years. My chosen career path can be described by optimists as working to help people who hate society (such crazy people- society is wonderful!) and skeptics as being a paid-douche. Hey, these loans aren't going to pay themselves.
You: YOU. Description.
Me: Demanding all manner of explanations now, are we? Well, I am an psychology undergrad at ASU (for like, 3 more weeks, lol), of asian-descent, well-mannered (if the situation warrants it), asinine (all other situations), just running the mouse wheel for the pellet that we all strive for. Oh did I mention I can be VAGUE. Har har.
You: Well how-
Me: Enough! I've had enough of your bs, you.. you person-who-talks-to-yourself!
Shoot, looks as if we're outttaa time. Email me now, won't ya? ;)
Oh yeah, and all that usual jazz about the photos and such. Include one and you'll get one from me. I'd post one, but there's already enough embarrassing evidence of my existence on the internet.
But you left this feeling
Hereeeee insiiiiide me
One that never faiiiiiils to fiiiiiind me...
* Location: Phoenix
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Monday, April 5
Rapid fire listings (PART 2), go!
to catch up, and get myself back into the routine of blogging, I've to do the rapidfirelistings again..
In no particular order..
- questionablecontent is seriously a good webcomic. I just finished reading the archives yesterday, and it is now my favorite slice-of-life comic.
- Rachel Ray! Ohhh delicious Rachel Ray. I picked up my March and April editions of Everyday! in quick succession. Gonna hit up one or two of those vegetarian recipes sometime this month.
- Last week, I made deep-fried tofu and some bean sprout soup. While the soup turned out ok (as sort of a palate cleanser for the tofu), the deep-frying caused a huge amount of smoke in the house- I forgot that oil begins to smoke at around 400 degrees.. no more just turning it to HIGH (3 came out of his room coughing his lungs out)! The ones that actually got fried were incredibly salty. Must. Be. Careful. With. Salt.
- Camelback mountain! We (00/88/I 2 saturdays ago, 00/I/Asians last saturday) got our butts kicked by that thing. The first time we made it to the top, the second time, pasta beforehand, along with running to the mountain from where we parked, rendered us incapable of going further than the top of the guardrailed-area. The asians made it, however.
- I got new sandals, courtesy of 88. The old ones snapped while visiting 00/88's home in Duckpie. I was so excited after getting them (velcro-strap tommy hilfigers) that I ran out into the kitchen to show every (in my best durrr voice) and promptly slid and hit the floor hard enough to make me remember The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
- I hate being poor! If I'm frugal for this month, I can survive with food and gasoline and probably not die. But I'm not frugal; Mr. Pond needs liner and plants and fishies.
- The first time at camelback Mt (2 saturdays ago), I had lunch with 00/88. It was a pleasant experience, except for someone trying to sneak a peak at me while I was in the bathroom. I forget the place's name, but it had pizza of several varieties.
- I has pseudo-surround sound. Donated speakers from 88 and some wiring-help from 3.
- I WANT WATER HYACINTHS. Well, not really. They'd look nice in the pond, but I didn't really think they were that awesome until I realized they were banned from Arizona.
- My resume. I am sort of working on getting it done by this week, references before the end of the month. No, the blog can't be on my resume :(
- Indie music. Lots of it. QC sort of gave me a push in that direction, easing me gently into the genre (not quite the culture, yet) with an album by The Flaming Lips- The Soft Bulletin. A bit quirky and one of the only albums I've listened to as-of-now that made me want to dance and had songs about mad scientists..
Packs of 27s Smoked: 4
Camelbacks climbed: 1.3
Exams that went well: 2
Exams that went horribly: 1
Phone dropped: 5
QCs read: over 900
Wednesday, March 24
Rapid fire listings, go!
- Started smoking again - mainly chaining to help me stay awake for a little all-night cramming for PSY 330, exam 2. Not a great idea. After the first draft, I was light-headed and nearly passed out, barely even finishing the damn thing.
- The Office - since we went out for 15A/15B's dinner last Thursday, I was unable to catch up on it until this morning, when I remembered. OMGANDYANDERINAWKWARDCUTENESS
- Saw an old friend from high school who recently came back to Arizona to continue their education in another direction. While the greetings weren't as pleasant enough for me to usually tolerate, I forgave in favor of a warm exchange ("Wow, you still go to ASU? I thought you'd be done by now!")
- By procrastinating all spring break, not doing the last two homeworks and missing the last two lab sessions, I had just about royally fucked myself for this exam. I am prepared for a 50%, although after taking it this afternoon I feel optimistic (as in, "maybe I BS'd enough to get a 70%..?")
- Caffeine. CAFFEINE. Man that stuff is dangerous combined with cigarettes.. I'd almost forgotten their awesome dream-team'bility- 3 pots fixed that..
- The POWER NAP. 30-45mins of assisted power nap (3: Dude get up *FLASH CEILING LIGHTS*)
- That mentioned, I have slept about 30-45mins since waking up on 3/23 around 7am..
- PGS 443 - Dr. P is amazing and easily one of my favorite professors in the psych dept. Although his "I'm kind of joking about that, but not really joking" quips get repetitive after you realize that he is retelling an anecdote from 2 lectures ago.. again. Nevertheless, I renew my doubt of psychoanalysts, big pharma, health insurance companies and over-diagnosis with each dose of the entertaining morning lecture.
- Questionable Content - I've spent about 4-6 of today's waking hours reading the strip. I'm up to 99, and I've read about 500 strips back from the latest page. J. Jacques is amazing.
- Dr. K attended today's lab meeting and discussed grad school and reaffirmed my belief that it will be nearly impossible for me to attend in the foreseeable (~5 years) future. It costs a lot (just to apply, GRE, etc), my GPA sucks, I'm not interested in academia, and a few other annoyances that I will detail later.
Delicious stats:
27s smoked: 10
Coffee (20oz): 6 strips read: ~600
Sleep (mins) since 7am/3-23-2010: 30-45mins
Anime (Ep): 0
Phone dropped: 0
Sunday, March 21
Repo Men (aka Repossession Mambo), and such
The night before:
88: "[It was] one of the few movies that has inspired emotion in me."
00: "Eh, it was alright."
I fall in between these two. I found that, though the story was familiar, I like Forrest Whitaker and Alice Braga. Jude Law- I'm not sure if I like him, but I do see an awful lot of his movies. I think I enjoy his roles when he does science fiction (A.I. Artificial Intelligence).. and not so much when he's just a douche (Closer, Alfie).
If you haven't seen the movie yet and dislike spoilers, well- off you go.
The film is standard "I do a mean job and don't care.. until the turntables have.."
However, there is a healthy overdose of violence. There is minimal bullet action, but plenty of tasing and more stabbing and chopping than I'd ever think medical technicians would ever have to do. Come to think of it, I hope Repo Men is not what 72 had in mind when he enrolled in these med tech classes (id est chopping parts out of people, including friends and relatives).
The ending was a big relief to me: as entertaining as the content of the rising action was, it contained a certain corniness to it. Though the 'sex-scene' was something I could only describe as ridiculous, 88 notes that it sets the bar for sex-scenes at an absurd height for such over-the-top violence-porn, as only Hollywood can present to us.
Overall, I came out of the movie feeling a bit jumpy. It's rare for me to grip my seat during action sequences, but watching people in suits and business attire swing hammers and cleavers at each other took my breath away as no Matrix installment ever could.
As it is rare for me to disagree with Rotten Tomatoes, I feel I must here. RT, I give you another week to raise the aggregate score.. 20% is just too harsh for such a entertaining, albeit slightly formulaic, romp through violence-land. Hey, at least it isn't The Transporter (which somehow got a 53%).
In other news, it is day 9 since I had my last cigarette. While I don't feel the nicotine urge, I feel the psychological symptoms.. (exempli gratia BOREDOM). But using systematic desensitization (read: graduated exposure), I have got up to a point where I can barely go 10mins on a hookah, let alone think about lighting up a delicious.. 27. Well, I was planning on just starting back up on Tuesday after escaping the scorn of my co-workers, but I think I'll keep it up and see where it goes. The power of commitment..
Oh, and I'm freaking hungry all the time now.
Delicious stats (since 3/21):
DVDs bought: 1
27s (or any other cig) smoked: 0
Hookah (30min): 1
Phone dropped: 0
Infiltrates: 2
Thursday, March 18
so I guess I'll steal a layout instead
So, I'm lazy, at least to the point that I'm unwilling to pinpoint why blogger likes to nudge my things all over the place. So, sometime today I will just steal a layout from one of those cheeseball sites that cater to myspace users and just doctor up the css a bit.
This one seems promising.
I don't like the background or the text or any of the colors, but I can change that up all fine. I just need to know where exactly most of the code works and where it doesn't (i.e. fancy scrollbars don't work on firefox).
Delicious stats:
Phone dropped: 0
Hookah (30min): 3
Redbox: 2
27s: 0
Wednesday, March 17
Beautiful St. Patrick's Day
From a few days ago..
27: "You know.. it's my dream.. to build a goldfish pond."
00: "Everybody has dreams. It's my job to crush them."
I had lunch (dim sum at Great Wall.. mediocre, but it's Wednesday) with my Mom and my brother today, and they visited the house a few hours later. My mom's dog 'Diva', in addition to it's house-training, has been taught to avoid strangers. I think I've had better luck offering advice on the internet than trying to give that dog a treat. As usual, mom disapproved of the dust in my room, and that I should have the audacity to own posters of women who are scantily-clad.
The pond is ready to be lined, just financial issues as usual. Tonight, we should be celebrating by getting 3 nice and drunk, though he gets quite irritable when he has one too many. 88 suggested a stay-in, so I've called 72, though he hasn't responded yet. We'll see; I thought I spied a bottle of Maker's Mark back in the cabinets. Ah, the spirit of celebrating one's culture.
I've yet to smoke a cigarette since Friday, but I have had this annoying habit of just burning up these cheapo cigs my dad gave me. And last night, I smoked a bit of the shisha I had layin about, mixed with some mugwort. It made for a very unsatisfying experience, as far as replacing smoking goes. Maybe this can be worked in some sort of systematic desensitization if I get tired of the act of smoking itself. I'm beginning a daily mind-game of debating with myself the merits of non-smoking, although the arguments are rapidly disintegrating- but I WILL last until Monday, if at least to avoid the mockery of my co-workers.
Tomorrow is dinner with 15A and 15B; I think we're going for Mexican.
I still need to fix the icons to my liking, but I will not cease the stats for today
Delicious stats
Phone dropped: 1
27s smoked: 0
Dunhills smoked: 0
Cheapos smoked: 0
Hookah (30mins): 2
Saturday, March 13
ok, blogger, you are PISSING ME OFF
I can't even line up my icons without it misreading my tables. whoever invented tbody, thead and tfoot and that nonsense needs to be given a shiner with the heel of my itching foot. This is disgusting.
pond ready to be set-up!
I woke up this morning, in a daze, to ALI Project's hairy-sounding tunes (Kinjirareta Asobi, I believe). Got up, went outside for my morning cigarette, and finding myself with no 27's left, I went for the Dunhill stash in my closet. BAM! "You stopped yesterday!" I put down the dunny and watched it sort of just burn up.. at least I got a lovely icon out of it with 00's camera-phone. Well shit, that's a great way to start off the morning.
In the kitchen, I navigated through the mess and found that we did indeed have one clean bowl. I have cereal. I have no milk. My solution is to knock on 00's door. He answers, realizing too late that it is I. Anyway, I forgot most of the details of the morning, but I finished digging the hole out in the back. Oh, they were right. It is soo satisfying to finally finish it on my own. Now, if I can somehow obtain funding for a rubber pond liner, I can begin the pond before the graduation party in May!
Sometime around noon, 3 woke up and declined to assist in either the pond digging or the garage cleaning. All is not lost however, as I was able to obtain a slice of pizza from his half-asleep grasp, and we got (mostly) everything done anyway. The garage should be cleaned out by tomorrow afternoon.
As for the matter of nicotine, I am aware that the drug itself may remain in my body for up to a week. The question, do I switch from the incompatibility-exercise track to graduated exposure and just get myself down to 1-2 cigs a day? That seems much more reasonable. If I had a weight-problem, I wouldn't quit eating.. I'll ignore the issue of deciding whether smoking itself is a problem- outside of monetary issues and the exercise thing, the cancer thing has never been all that convincing to me. People in Japan live to their 90's and drink and smoke like fiends.
~Delicious stats for today
x 0 | x 0 |
Thursday, March 11
SO- First post
As far as today's slice of life goes, I've pondered the possibility of stopping smoking for awhile. There are several reasons which I will itemize:
- It is expensive. Seriously, it's not really supposed to be in my budget.
- I'm getting REALLY lazy. Which means..
- I'm totally out of shape. INTOLERABLY out of shape.
I'm pretty sure that smoking developed out of classical, rather than operant conditioning, as there was hardly any reinforcement from smoking when I began almost a decade ago. With this in thought, I thought I'd try shaping an incompatible response. Exercise. I'm not sure right now if the primary goal is to get in shape or to stop smoking for awhile (because we never 'quit', as 72 is fond of pointing out (my first numerical reference!). I'll establish some sort of routine tonight- probably sit-ups and jumping jacks. Har har.
Logically, taking better care of the ol' vessel should prove easier- it's difficult not to keep up hygiene and dietary habits when I'm active. Speaking of which, I'm going to go eat that onion/olive pizza now (one step at a time..)
Today's delicious statistics (since 8am)
Phone dropped: 1
27's smoked: 9
Coffee (20oz): 1